How eTags Online Reviews Have Changed the Way They Do Business



Today’s customers are very savvy in part because they have access to tons of information about any restaurant and business where they are considering spending their money. All you need to do is go online and type the name of the business in a search engine or other aggregating website and, viola! You will find reviews from people all over the internet who want to share their experience, comments from the business owners themselves, and maybe even full length articles about the business and their product or service.


If you were to visit right now, you would find many reviews about its services because they actively seek them out. eTags provides online vehicle registration and title services that help residents of California, Florida, Maryland and (soon) Pennsylvania bypass a visit to the DMV altogether. If you enjoy your time and prefer to spend it with family and friends, eTags allows you to renew your vehicle registration or transfer a vehicle title wherever and whenever you want.


eTags has averaged 4.7 out of 5 stars on the website, which is one of the largest reviews syndication site. Beyond there, you can find reviews about eTags  on many other sites like Sitejabber and more. You will find no better resource out there on what customers think about a specific business than how they handle (or don’t handle) reviews from their customers. eTags has often communicated the importance of the feedback they get from reviews about their service. From website updates to adding additional benefits to the services they provided to how the support experience is executed, mining the thousands upon thousands of reviews, while time consuming, seems to be proving fruitful for the company. In one account, an eTags customer noticed the addition of text message updates to their notification system to supplement the company’s email notifications. Other customers have commented on the ease of resubmitting an order when they return to eTags since much of the information is already saved. Whether these updates to the service can be credited to customer reviews or in house brainstorming, their popularity is certainly evident.


What If You Want to Write an Online Review?


If you have had a positive or negative experience with company, writing a review is a good way to promote the business or express your concerns and criticisms. Writing a review is easy, and there are many different reviews sites out there that you can try, including Yelp, Facebook, and others. While some require logging in or creating a user, many others will accept a review by simply providing your email.


When writing an online review, be sure to be honest so you can prepare others conducting a search. You should talk about what you liked, if you had any concerns, and whether or not you would recommend the company to anyone. In addition to helping others, companies who understand the importance of listening to their customers via online reviews read their them and, if they are even smarter, will make changes if they find a few common themes. By writing an honest and thoughtful online review, you can ensure your voice is heard and others are informed.


Updated: November 30, 2017 — 9:34 pm

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